Category Archives: KBSR

Bestselling SJK(C) Books 2015

Barely a month of school and we’ve got the numbers already! While the kids were having fun in December and making new friends in January, publishers, teachers and parents have been working extra hard! Teachers especially (and some mummies too!) go through the entire syllabus multiple times, selecting the best books to complement their teaching. And over the last 2 months, these are the books that our customers have chosen. Peekabook is delighted to present the early leaders of 2015:

Best SJK(C) Workbooks for Year 1

Top 10 SJK(C) Year 1 Bestsellers

Publisher Title
Cemerlang Linus Literasi Math 2
Cemerlang Linus Literasi Math 1
Terbilang 新课标 数学 配版作业 1A
Malaya Press 一典通参考系列 金钥匙 科学 第一阶段1、2、3年级
Malaya Press 一典通参考系列 金钥匙 数学 第一阶段1、2、3年级
Malaya Press 一典通参考系列 金钥匙 华文 第一阶段1、2、3年级
Tunas Pelangi 百分评审系列 国文 1
Gemilang 华文写话练习 1A
Tunas Pelangi KSSR 字辩。词辩小灵通 1
Cemerlang 创意辅导系列 英文理解 1

Best SJK(C) Workbooks for Year 2

Top 10 SJK(C) Year 2 Bestsellers

Publisher Title
Cemerlang 华文写话练习 2A
Tunas Pelangi 百分评审系列 数学 2
UPH 国语词语造句 2
UPH 英语词语造句 2
Cemerlang 开创精彩单元增广系列 数学 2
Cemerlang 开创精彩单元增广系列 英文 2
Cemerlang 创意辅导系列 英文语法 2
Cemerlang 创意辅导系列 英文书写 2
Cemerlang 创意辅导系列 英文理解 2
UPH 华语词语造句 2

Best SJK(C) Workbooks for Year 3

Top 10 SJK(C) Year 3 Bestsellers

Publisher Title
Gemilang 华文学好作文 3A
Cemerlang 活学活用成语练习 3
Heng Hui 冲刺PRA-UPSR模拟试卷系列 国文 3
Gemilang 学习高手 数学 3
Gemilang 学好成语 3
Gemilang 课课勤练华文作业 3A
Tunas Pelangi 百分评审系列 国文 3
Malaya Press 百分百配版 佳佳堂数学作业 3A
UPH 国语词语造句 3
Gemilang 学习高手 科学与工艺世界 3

Best SJK(C) Workbooks for Year 4

Top 10 SJK(C) Year 4 Bestsellers

Publisher Title
Heng Hui 古今研科学作业 4A
Malaya Press 百分百配版 华文作业 4A
Tunas Pelangi 华文书写练习 4A
Heng Hui 冲刺PRA-UPSR模拟试卷系列 数学 4
Heng Hui 冲刺PRA-UPSR模拟试卷系列 国文 4
Heng Hui Buku Kerja Berfaedah BM 4A
Tunas Pelangi 百分评审系列 科学 4
Gemilang 嘉阳 科学配版作业 4A
Tunas Pelangi 字辩。词辩。小灵通 4
Sasbadi 国文参考资料 4A

Best SJK(C) Workbooks for Year 5

Top 10 SJK(C) Year 5 Bestsellers

Publisher Title
Hup Lick 合力国文练习 5
Pan Asia 挑战高思维数学题 5
Pan Asia 单元练习 大本营 科学 5
Hup Lick 合力科学练习 5
Malaya Press 精准巩固系列 非凡单元练习 华文 5A
Hup Lick 合力数学练习 5
Hup Lick 合力华文练习 5
Hup Lick 合力英文练习 5
Malaya Press 精准巩固系列 非凡单元练习 数学 5A
Malaya Press 百分百配版作业华文作业 5A

Best SJK(C) Workbooks for Year 6

Top 10 SJK(C) Year 6 Bestsellers

Publisher Title
Gemilang 2015 UPSR 名师模拟  国文
Gemilang 2015 UPSR 名师模拟  华文
Gemilang 2015 UPSR 名师模拟  英文
Gemilang 2015 UPSR 名师模拟  数学
Gemilang 2015 UPSR 名师模拟  科学
Hup Lick 100个英文造句练习 6
Tunas Pelangi UPSR夺标系列 英文 试卷二
Sasbadi UPSR模拟试卷 国文
Tunas Pelangi UPSR夺标系列 英文 试卷一
Tunas Pelangi UPSR夺标系列 国文 试卷一

Didn’t see the books you were looking for? You can browse all SJK(C) books here, including textbooks, workbooks and reference books.

Tools of the Trade: What are the Best Books for SPM?

There are many SPM material out there, be it reference books, workbooks, smart notes, question compilations, etc. So for students who are looking for good study materials for SPM, especially fresh Form Four students, it can be quite a pain choosing the right study materials because they do not know which ones follow the SPM syllabus correctly. As an example, students will be wasting money buying low quality study materials which they do not like, and then only at the second time, they buy good quality books after they had the proper experience with the subjects. Therefore, it’s best to get insights and do some research on a particular subject before prematurely buying a book so we do not end up buying something we will not use and thus wasting money. So, I am here to share my personal thoughts and opinions on books that I had use to prepare for my SPM examination.

I believe if you are a smart person, your learning would not be limited by the books you use. However, as smart as we can get, we would always like to use the best tools we can get. As for me, I prefer reference books by Oxford Fajar, specifically their “SUCCESS” reference books, especially for Biology, Chemistry and Physics because they have very good and colourful illustrations. The illustration is very thorough and detailed, so it becomes more interesting to study the subject, a good example is a detailed illustration of organelles of an animal cell in their Biology book. Besides that, SUCCESS’s reference books display great creativity when it comes to making simple diagrams, tables and etc. Their diagrams, mind maps, and tables. makes it easier for students to grasp on any topic. It also makes it easier for students to connect ideas together. Another publisher I prefer is PNI Neuron, who publishes the Memory Mastery through Mind Maps and Diagrams books. The book is fully based on diagrams, mind maps, graphs, etc. I may even add that there are even more illustrations than SUCCESS’s and sometimes have better diagrams than in the ones in SUCCESS. However, there are cases when too many diagrams are on the same page, making the page look cramped. The book also lacks detailed explanation, so it is only good if you use it to revise a topic you had studied before.

The main workbooks I use to prepare for SPM are the “Kertas Soalan Peperiksaan Tahun-Tahun Lepas SPM” workbooks by Sasbadi. They have a compilation of past year’s SPM question for many subjects and is updated yearly. It is very convenient because you get the whole compilation of the latest SPM examination papers in one book, so you don’t have to waste time and energy searching for them one by one. They also update their compilations every year after that year’s SPM examination to ensure they compile the papers up to date. The fact that it compiles papers for so many subjects makes it a must have for all students despite taking different subjects. From this book, you will understand the structure of the SPM paper better; you will know the type of questions asked in the “Sections” of the SPM paper and thus be able to prepare for the real examination. Another workbook that I like to use is Strategic Practice by Pelangi Publications. I have this book for my Mathematics and Additional Mathematics for Form Four and Form Five. I like this book a lot because it teaches you in a very practical way. It features a very practical step by step approach starting from very simple questions and slowly increasing in difficulty to the toughest ones until you are able to grasp the concepts. I do my studying by myself a lot, so this book acts as almost like a study manual for the me when it comes to studying Mathematics and Additional Mathematics.

However, at the end of the day, it is not how many books you have in your study desk that matters. It is how well and how consistent you are in using them. Having one good quality reference book and few workbooks/exercise books for one subject is enough if you are able to put to good use these resources. Having many books is also as good as having no books if you are not putting these valuable resources to good use. More importantly, you should use the books which suits your style of study so that you can study comfortably and effectively. What is best for you when you want to find a book which suits your study style is you may flip through the pages of the books in the bookstore which you want to buy before buying it so you can get a glimpse on how they present their content and choose from the ones you find most comfortable with. Having said that, I wish you happy book hunting.

This article was written by Joshua. Joshua is a straight A scorer for his SPM examination. He shares his wisdom and experiences as a SPM student by writing educational articles for Peekabook’s blog during his free time.

UPSR Model Exam Papers by Malayan Press

We are happy to announce that we have added more model exam papers to our website. The “Kertas Model UPSR Jaguh” series by The Malayan Press are the latest exam papers available for Year 6 students sitting for the UPSR examination in September 2014.

状元堂UPSR模拟试卷 科学

状元堂UPSR模拟试卷 科学

状元堂UPSR模拟试卷 数学

状元堂UPSR模拟试卷 数学

状元堂UPSR模拟试卷 英文

状元堂UPSR模拟试卷 英文

状元堂UPSR模拟试卷 国文

状元堂UPSR模拟试卷 国文

状元堂UPSR模拟试卷 华文

状元堂UPSR模拟试卷 华文

How I Achieved Straight A’s in the SPM

Achieving straight A’s in any exams is challenging. Be it O Levels, A Levels, UEC, SPM, etc you need to pour some efforts preparing and studying for them. For my SPM, I find the preparing/studying experience fun and worth it now since I am enjoying the fruits of my labour by getting a string of straight A’s. Getting my SPM results on the results day in my school was deeply satisfying as the hard work had paid off well.

What subjects did you take?

I took 9 subjects for my SPM, namely Bahasa Malaysia, English, Sejarah, Pendidikan Moral, Mathematics, Additional Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. I find all the subjects fun in their own way. My favourite subjects are English, Mathematics, Additional Maths, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.

Are there different ways to prepare for each subject?

Generally, preparing for different subjects might be different because each subject is unique in their own way. For example, Science stream subjects like Physics, Chemistry are more theory based, so one must read the books to understand down to the smallest detail to get the full picture. On the other hand, language subjects like English and Bahasa Malaysia are not so tied down to reading books as we may write an essay or create a story, bounded only by limitations of our imaginations. However, to get good grades, you must be willing to put in the efforts and study consistently.

Did you have a study timetable?

Having a study timetable is good because it keeps you studying in an organized manner and balance your weightage on subjects you are studying. Studying using a study timetable will keep you more balanced and well versed intellectually in the subjects you are taking, as without a study timetable we may tend to study subjects which we like more often than the ones we like less. A study timetable will make your study life much more organized. However, having a study timetable is the same as not having one if you are not following the timetable. So, be disciplined to walk along the tracks of the timetable. From my experience, at the time I studied without a study timetable, my grades are only as good as the efforts I put into each subjects; the ones which I like will at least get an A- and the ones I favor less gets decent results (you know what I mean :)).So, having a timetable will definitely help you organize your efforts into different subjects.

How many hours did you study a day?

Personally, I do not believe in the amount of time I am putting into studying but rather how much did I studied. It may not be fair to say that I had studied five hours just because I opened my book from 2.00 pm to 7.00 pm as some time might just be wasted daydreaming, having a short break, quick naps, having snacks, etc. I see this differently because I noticed some of my classmates said they had “studied” for four hours at the library just because they are there for four hours but most of the time is spent for small talk. Studying something implies that you had learnt it, and able to teach others. That is how you will discover if you had really learnt something. I acknowledge how much did I learnt by comparing my perception on questions or tests before and after I had studied.

Did you take tuition classes?

I do attend tuition classes and I had good and bad experiences too. Some tuition centres have classrooms which are cramped, so it becomes crowded when many people are in the class. In some centres, the classes is too big, there are more students, so the tutor/lecturer might not have time to give personal attention to each students. Hence, a quota should be implemented in a class regardless of size so that the lesson can be conducted properly and the students can learn in an optimum environment. The lecturers/tutors are the backbones of the tuition centre because parents want the best tutors teaching their students because a good tutor displays attractive qualities in teaching which parents and students alike are willing to pay big bucks for. A good tutor is able to make his/her students understand what is being taught the way the tutor wants it. That way, students are able to understand what is taught to them in a correct manner. A good tutor should also be able to make the students interested into a certain subject. In that way, students will become more passionate and more curious about the subject. They will also not procrastinate to study because they do not get bored easily when they have to prepare or study for the subject. A good tutor should also display good characteristics of a role model. They should have a positive attitude when socialising with the society so students can learn to contribute for the society. They should also be respectful to peoples of all ages; from children to the old so their students can learn to do the same.

Conclusively, regardless of what examinations or subjects you are taking, you would always need to work hard if you want to be rewarded. Having said that, I wish you good luck for your examinations!

This article was written by Joshua. Joshua is a straight A scorer for his SPM examination. He shares his wisdom and experiences as a SPM student by writing educational articles for Peekabook’s blog during his free time.


我们不可否认要在测验里考取卓越的成绩,并不是一件容易的事情。但是,这也不是一件艰难的事。为什么呢?答案只有一个 — 每位学生必须要有适合自己、有效的学习方式。去年,全国共有9.15巴仙,也就是42,646名考生在UPSR里获得全科A的佳绩,比起往年进步了不少。由此可见,相信大家也可以看到要在UPSR里获得好成绩并不是不可能、更不是难以考取的。现在距离2014年的UPSR测验剩下大概五个月的时间。因此,各位家长与同学们,剩下这五个月的时间就是让大家做出最后的冲刺,以不辜负6年以来的努力、奋斗!正所谓:“工欲善其事,必先利其器。”要考取佳绩,就必须要有恰当的温习方式。在此,就让我为大家分享一些我当年如何在UPSR,PMR 及SPM里获得全A的经验,特别是即将到来的UPSR,希望能够帮到大家。


除此之外,我也想与大家分享我在其中一个讲座会里学到的温习方式。它称为 “SQ3R”的温习方式,特别是用来阅读文章或课本用的。坦白说,还没学会这方法时,在我看到长篇大论的文章时,我拼命问自己,我该如何详读这么长的文章呢?在“SQ3R”里的每个字母代表着不同的意思:

S –Survey (探讨)

Q –Question (发问)
第二,在探讨的同时,尝试自发问题,将标题和小标题变成基本的问题。学生可使用5W1H的疑问词自发问题,也就是为什么(Why)、哪里(Where)、何时(When)、什么(What)、谁(Who)和如何(How)。例如,文章的大标题是“疏解学生的压力”,我们就可以试自问: “ 如何疏解学生们的压力呢?”

R –Read (阅读)

R –Recite (朗诵)

R –Review (复习/思考)

另外,我在这也想与大家讨论一道时常在温习时常遇到的问题、并分享我本身个人的小小秘方。在复习课文时,相信学生们常常会对自己发脾气,问着— “为什么我总是记不到这个呢?我该怎么好呢?”众所周知,人类的记忆力是有限的;但是,要是我们能够细心地想想问题的解决方案,真的还是想不到有什么办法吗?我在这里有一个小小的建议,如果父母亲能够买得起的话,可以为孩子准备一个白板,不需要像班上里头那么大,也别太小,中等就好。坦白说,在我大概6岁的时候父母亲就因为我在幼子院测验里获得全科100分时送我一个挺大的白板。大家应该很好奇,有什么作用呢?其实,我建议学生可以尝试扮演老师的角色,自己跟自己讲解、详述及像教师般地使用白板做简单的笔记于比较难记和明白的单元。我自己每次都是使用这方法,非常有效于增强记忆和印象。


最后,在考试的前几天一定要有充足的休息和睡眠。现在还有不少的时间,还来得及的。切记— 别临时抱佛脚,等到最后一分钟才熬夜温习、开夜车等。同学们,好好地使用剩下这几个月的时间,为2014年UPSR考试做出最后的冲刺吧!加油!

– 黄伟铭 (Ng Ray Man)

From KBSR to KSSR – Why the need for change?

Although there have been changes taking place with the education system these last three years, many parents are not quite aware of these changes and its implication on the education of their children. So, let us ease the confusion once and for all and look at the core differences of the new KSSR system when put against the KBSR.

What do these words mean: KBSR and KSSR?

KBSR stands for Kurikulum Bersepadu Sekolah Rendah while KSSR stands for Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah. KBSR was introduced in 1983 while KSSR is the new system introduced by the Ministry of Education in 2011.

Why the need for change?

The answer in one word: Relevance.

The KSSR was introduced to overcome certain shortcomings within the older system, the KBSR. It is hoped with this new restructured and improved curriculum, our children would have the necessary knowledge, skills and also the values to face and overcome the challengers of the current times. In this fast paced progressive world, what worked very well in 1983 is just not good enough today. The use of technology and people skills for one, are vital tools that needed to be in cooperated into the curriculum to ensure that our children can perform successfully on a global platform. They need to be equipped not only with the necessary knowledge and skills but also with the strength of character and leadership qualities to be successful.

So What Are The Differences between the KBSR and KSSR?

KSSR or ‘Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah’, has one new word in it ‘Standard’. In this new curriculum, there are set standards of learning that our children have to achieve at the different levels of their schooling. This means that when our children complete a particular level of schooling, they are expected to have achieved a preset standard of knowledge, skills and values. At specific times at each level these learning standards will be measured to ensure that no child gets left behind. If a child fails to meet the required standard, the teacher is required to do more revision activities with the child until he or she eventually achieves the required standard.

The new curriculum has also been designed to go beyond acquiring communication skills, self-development and the child’s immediate environment as in the KBSR. It is designed to enhance and embrace the use of science and technology, develop values, understand humanitarian issues and also focus on the child’s physical and aesthetical development. Although the KBSR focused on holistic learning, the current curriculum seeks to go beyond this. The KSSR curriculum uses what is known as a modular-based system. For easy understanding let us look at the teaching and learning of the English Language.

In KSSR, for the primary school, the English Language syllabus is divided into two separate levels. KSSR Level 1 is made up of Year One, Year Two and Year Three while KSSR Level 2 comprises of Year Four, Year Five and Year Six.

For Level 1 the modules taught are:

  • Module 1 (Listening and Speaking)
  • Module 2 (Reading)
  • Module 3 (Speaking)
  • Module 4 (Language Arts)

At Level 2, grammar will be added to the four modules taught in Level 1.

Although textbooks are being used in the teaching and learning process, learning is now more accessible with students playing a more important role in their learning. Rote learning is no longer encouraged and with the introduction of Language Arts component in the curriculum, there is now space for interactive actives. These include the use of drama, role-play, debates, language games and songs to make the lessons more meaningful and facilitate the learning of the language. Lessons are more fun and there is also more movement and activities in the process of learning. This element of ‘fun learning’ removes the element of stress and pressure and makes lessons fun while ensuring that language acquisition takes place.

Although the KBSR was student centered, the KSSR seem to be even more focused to make learning fun and meaningful to the young learners. The classroom atmosphere is more relaxed where students are given more room for decision-making and encouraged to voice their opinions. Apart from the 3Ms (reading, writing and counting), the new curriculum has 4Ms, with ‘Reasoning’ added to the original 3Ms. The need for our children to think and reason, of making connections between their actions and consequences is now stressed. There is a shift from rote learning where students simply followed instructions and are overly dependent on teachers. Students are now being taught to be active decision makers and be accountable for their actions.

There also seems to be time allocated for Chinese and Tamil languages within the school timetable to ensure that students need not remain in school for long hours. The new curriculum also appears to be moving away from an exam-oriented system and the streaming of students according to their academic ability is discouraged. In the KSSR, students are encouraged to work together and help each other rather than being focused on competing to being the best. Although academic achievement is important, it is no longer everything. Character development and values are also given prominence.

The long-term objective of the KSSR is to produce individuals who have positive self-image and high self-esteem. With character building emphasized, it is hoped that our children would not only have the adequate knowledge and skills but would also have strong leadership qualities and character to face the challengers of the current scenario.

This article was written by Madam Kalai Lingam. Madam Kalai has 27 years of teaching experience in government secondary school. She opted for early retirement in 2013 to pursue her love of writing, and is currently writing a book. Madam Kalai is well versed in the Malaysian Education system, having been a senior English teacher and school administrator for many years.

Free Workbooks!

We’re so excited to announce that we are sponsoring the prizes for MumGather’s Primary School Workbooks For SJKC Giveaway Contest!

In this contest we’ll be giving out one of six sets of SJK(C) books to the winner. For Standards 1 to 4 it will be two “Buku Sumber” workbooks for each of the language subjects (English, Malay and Chinese). For Standards 5 and 6, the prize is one workbook for each UPSR subject (English, Malay, Chinese, Maths and Science).

This contest runs until 29 January 2014, so if it’s not over yet please head over and give us your thoughts about buying academic books online.